Sejal Says, “Eminent Domain Must Be Reformed”

Eminent Domain can be defined as the right of a government to extort private property for public use, with payment of compensation. The current state of eminent domain directly juxtaposes the American Dream. Once upon a time,  the American Dream was founded on the principles of owning property and making a life for one’s family- an idea that has changed vastly since then. The government's primary purpose should be to preserve the natural rights of everyone however, due to eminent domain this is not the reality. 

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In regards to the state of eminent domain today, the day we see the government make eminent domain fair is the day we see pink elephants roaming the forest- it’s never going to happen. Even when reading of various examples of eminent domain in the media, the rhetoric used is always negative and accentuates the uneven attitude from the government towards the general public. It’s simply unfair that government partner with corporations against the public to monopolize properties for unfair prices. 

The government should adopt ideals similar to the ones that Jesus practiced. He explained that all followers of Jesus are one and the same and thus, should treat one another equally. If the government were to adopt this mentality, eminent domain would find the perfect balance in order to be implemented properly. Implementing a fair model of eminent domain has a plethora of benefits: thriving communities, improved relationship with one’s government, and all people will be treated equally. Thus, the current model of eminent domain needs to change in order to reap positive benefits on society. 


  1. I love how you not only mentioned why eminent domain is wrong but how society it self with be benefitted with it's reform. I definetly agree with you stance on eminent domain, especially because so many minorities are unaware of the laws behind it, which prevents them from rightfully defending themsevles. Also, the allusion to jesus was handled really well.


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