Sejal Says, "Nacirema Is the Key to Understanding our Own Perspectives"

When we first read the "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema", I was in a state of utter confusion. Typically, most pieces in Socratic seminars have obvious themes or messages that they are trying to convey but in this particular piece it seemed like an unusual historical account of some "Native American tribe". I know that I would not have been able to piece together the hidden message without the help of discussion with my peers.

As soon as it was revealed that the piece was indeed displaying the traditions of Americans on their typical visits to the dentist. The story set itself up as highlighting a group of people with the "most exotic customs" (Miner 1). This helped sell the facade that the story was written to describe an abnormal tribe's way of life. What I found to be very interesting was the fact that I was so quick to judge other groups' customs with no regard to the abnormal traditions I partake in daily. Especially when the "shrine" was mentioned I started to think of cult-like behavior but in reality, it is something that I personally do twice a day for an extended amount of time.

Image result for nacirema picture

It was very eye-opening for me to see the new perspective of American culture but in regards to my whole life, I know that I have to be more aware of my predisposed biases and I have to avoid having rash initial reactions to unfamiliar things. This claim can actually be applied to how we view strangers with unusual customs. When I see people who participate in activities that seem crazy to me, I am quick to judge them when I myself have my own quirks. I truly loved this piece, because my initial state of confusion turned into a keen sense of self-reflection that I really needed.


  1. This piece just shows how quick we are to judge others. It was absolutely mind-blowing to me when Nacirema was basically American but backwards (still is to be honest). I liked that you made a self-reflection after reading the piece and figuring out the true message behind it.


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