Sejal Says, "Stereotypes Extend to All Races"

In class, we read multiple pieces regarding stereotypes for different races and even groups of people such as wives in marriages. I found it very interesting to see the effect stereotypes have on a person and I got me thinking about my own life and the stereotypes that affect me.

When looking at my own life I am an Indian American who lives in Michigan and just based on this facet of my identity, there are a plethora of stereotypes that apply to me. First is the stereotype of being an Indian who lives in America. In most forms of media, Indians are shown with thick accents and a less than average amount of knowledge about American customs. I notice this stereotype especially when I travel. Whether I am visiting a foreign country or going on a road trip, I always have people speaking to me in basic Indian phrases or even asking me where I am from in India. They also tend to show us the cheaper restaurants or souvenirs assuming that those places would appeal to us. And in my life, I now know that "such episodes are not uncommon" (Staples).

Another stereotype that has affected me is being an Indian teenager in an affluent community. As many people know, there is an academic stereotype associated with Asians assuming that they must be in the 99th percentile of their class or have perfect student profiles. This stereotype is especially prevalent in Troy High where academic success is not only promoted but celebrates. This stereotype places a huge role in my priorities and the things I value in life. Staples said it best when he described the role of stereotypes and its blatant absurdity. Stereotypes should have no hold on people but since they are so prevalent in society, it is hard for them to be ignored by those affected. So we must work together to dimish harmful stereotypes and promote friendship and equality.


  1. Hey Sejal! I really enjoyed this blog post and I know that I can definitely relate to what you have said, especially the last paragraph about high school stereotypes. I strongly despise stereotypes and its influence on us, but yet I still let stereotypes affect my behavior :( But that does bring the importance of your last sentence - let us promote friendship & equality!


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