Sejal Says, “Ivanka Trump Decides to Overthrow President Trump”

In class when we were tasked to find an Onion article, I was really surprised by the news that was displayed on the site. It was most entertaining for me to see how much the articles were skewed. When I was reading CNN, I found an article titled “ Ivanka for president: The chances are higher than you might think”. This inspired me to write my own fake article.  So here it goes. 

Image result for ivanka and donald trump

Right before the end of President Trump’s presidency, Ivanka Trump decided to do something about it. Using nuclear tactics, she overthrew her own husband. After Sen. Elizabeth Warren suspended her presidential campaign -- the last of the serious female candidates who had vied for the Democratic nomination this year to do so -- many women (and some men) despaired, wondering: Will there be a female president in my lifetime? Will there ever be a female president? If there is, it's likely to be Ivanka Trump, if she'd like to be, or another well-connected woman from a different political dynasty. This isn't news Democrats will love, but it's the most likely scenario. Women in government are more likely to have family ties to politics than men. Ivanka claimed “that her decorating skills would make her the best president EVER for reals”. If Ivanka Trump were to become president one day, she would be the culmination of this scenario. Hillary Clinton, while clearly a skilled politician in her own right, benefited from her time as first lady through increased name recognition, and by living in the corridors of power. Warren, for one, who is arguably as capable as Clinton, wasn't able to draw on such family ties or name recognition, and like other female presidential candidates this time, struggled to attract the level of attention and support that Clinton's candidacy had. So basically Ivanka 2020, ya feel?

I hope you enjoyed this Onion Article and please know that this IS satirical!!


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